Monday, 24 November 2014

CoF - Lyrics

The lyrics for the song for the animated short have been finished, all with the help of Dan Harvey .
These are the final version in Welsh.

Yn y niwl,

Yr unig bywyd dwi’n gweld,

Yn disgleirio dim-

ond ewyllys da i chi,

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd.

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd,

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd,

Er mwyn eich tywys trwy’r gwaed,

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd.

Ddeilen, petal,

Bob yn dipyn, cam wrth gam, gwraidd,

Ddeilen,  petal,

Gobeithiwch yn gweld y gwir.

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd, (Yr unig bywyd dwi’n gweld)

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd, (---)

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd, (---)

Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd, (Er mwyn eich tywys trwy’r gwaed)

Cof i cadw chi, Cof i cadw chi yn fy mhyd.

Ddeilen, petal,

Bydded yr holl wir’n amlygu i chi,

Ddeilen, petal,

Ei’n amseroedd gyda’n gilydd

Ddeilen,  petal,

Rhydw i eisiau chi’n saff,

Ddeilen, petal,

Peidiwch anghofio eich hun,

Peidiwch anghofio eich gwraidd.

Gwaed, tân, rhyfel,

Beth roeddwn i eisiau cadw chi o

Gwaed, tân, rhyfel

Nid hun yw’r anghenfil codais,

Atal hyn, nghariad,

Erfyniaf arnoch, cofiwch.

Yn y niwl,

Mae’r unig bywyd dwi’n gweld,

Byddwch beunydd yn fy merch.

The word by word translation from Welsh into English are below. They will not be used, but they are posted here to understand the them.

In the mist,
The only life I see,
Is shining
only good will to you,
A memory to keep you in my world.

A memory to keep you in my world,
A memory to keep you in my world,
To guide you through the blood,
A memory to keep you in my world.

A leaf, a petal,
Bit by bit, step by step, roots,
A leaf and petal,
Hoping you’ll see the truth.

A memory to keep you in my world,
A memory to keep you in my world, (The only life I see)
A memory to keep you in my world,
A memory to keep you in my world,
A memory to keep you in my world, (To guide you through the blood)
A memory to keep you, a memory to keep you in my world.

A leaf, a petal,
The whole truth will be revealed to you,
A leaf, a petal,
Our times together,
A leaf, a petal,
I want you safe,
A leaf, a petal,
Never forget yourself,
Never forget your roots.

Blood, fire, war,
What I wanted to keep you from,
Blood, fire, war,
This isn’t the monster I raised,
Stop this, love,
I beg you, remember.

In the mist,
The only life I see,
You will always be my daughter. 

The first version of the lyrics were written by me, but their structure and words were modified by Dan Harvey in order to keep up with the tempo of the song and to sound better in Welsh. The first lyrics:

In these mist

The only life I see

Shines you only good will

A memory to keep you in my world

A memory to keep you in my world

To guide you through the crimson/bloody mist

A memory to keep you in my world

A leaf, a petal

Piece by piece, pace by pace, home

A leaf, a petal

Hope you will soon see truth/memory

A memory to keep you in my world

A memory to keep you in my world

(backing) The only life I see

A memory to keep you in my world

A memory to keep you in my world

(backing) To guide you through the crimson/bloody mist

A leaf, a petal

May the whole truth be shown to you

A leaf, a petal

All the times we shared once

A leaf, a petal

All I ever wanted was to keep you safe

A leaf, a petal

Never forget who you are

Never forget where you came from

Blood, fire, war,

The only things I wanted to keep you away from

Blood, fire, war,

This is not the monster I raised

Please stop now/Please just stop/My love, stop

I know that you loved me, but stop/remember

In these mists

The only life I see

You will always be my girl/child

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